
Check here often for updates and news.

- January 3, 2023

Greetings, Friends!  The 2022 tax season is upon us!  Individual tax organizers will be uploaded to your client portals within the next two weeks.  If you would prefer to have a paper organizer mailed to you, please contact  A few reminders for success:

  • What is needed to move a tax return project into the work queue:

  1. Retainer Payment (one half of prior year tax return invoice or half of estimate)

  2. Signed Engagement Agreement

  3. Individuals: Submit all tax documents

  4. Businesses: Submit all tax documents, books, year end cc and bank statements, and all SBA/EIDL/PPP documents if your business received money through these programs.

  •  Internal deadline for businesses: Please have all the above items submitted no later than Feb. 17th so that we can do our best to meet the March 15th deadline.

  •  Internal deadline for individuals: Please have all the above items submitted no later than March 17th so that we can do our best to meet the April 17th deadline.

Also, despite what you may have heard on our outgoing message if you called our office recently and got voicemail, our internet and phone services are up and running and we’re back on the phones during normal business hours. So please give us a call if you’ve any questions!

We at Shanafelt CPA LLC wish you and your families all the best this coming year!

Matthew Shanafelt, CPA

Rachel Weatherly, LTP

Wendy Bunkers, Project & Administrative Manager

“Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.”